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Weeltzer Haus

The Weeltzer Haus was opened by COOPERATIONS in 2007, offering accommodation for people with mental disabilities. The target group are people moving out of their parental homes or a sheltered housing facility and looking for accommodation with a long-term perspective where they still get assistance, but can live as independently as possible.

Currently, the Weeltzer Haus accommodates 8 persons with mental disabilities, who are assisted by a team of 6 tutors. The tutors provide individual support to the inhabitants, to help them e.g. to acquire the competences needed for doing their own shopping, cooking, using public transport or planning their recreational activities.

All inhabitants of the Weeltzer Haus have a regular occupation (job, practical training or day centre). On weekends, on holidays and in case of illness the Weeltzer Haus provides 24-hour assistance.

Criteria for admission:

  • minimum age 18 years
  • mild to moderate mental disability
  • regular occupation: job, practical training or day centre
  • able to speak at least one of the three national languages: Luxembourgish / German / French
  • no criminal record
  • mobility: able to eat, walk, dress and undress, wash and go to the lavatory without help
Logo vom Weeltzer Haus


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Christophe Sauer/COOPERATIONS Asbl Das Foto zeigt das Weeltzer Haus von außen