Mäi Liewen is a service aimed at helping people with disabilities to enjoy their right to self-determination and participation in social life, by providing individual support to enable the clients to live as independently as possible, pursue their personal interests, and choose the lifestyle they prefer.
Consultations take place predominantly in a private environment, which also facilitates the involvement of family members. Consultations may also take place at the premises of COOPERATIONS or in a public place, dependent on the nature of support required. This service is designed for adult persons who live independently or will live independently in the near future, and due to intellectual or mental impairments require support in some aspects of their daily lives.
Mäi Liewen advises its clients on the following aspects:
- personal care: personal hygiene, preventive healthcare;
- housing: finding accommodation, housekeeping;
- mobility: exercise, public transport, safety, mobility app;
- information and communication: letters, television, newspapers, internet, e-mail, telephone, texting, Facebook;
- financial advice: how to budget one’s money, how to cope with debts;
- administrative support: classification, dealings with authorities, finding competent authorities;
- social relations: support in dealings with family, friends, neighbours or new acquaintances;
- future planning and life goals: driving license, job training, career perspectives;
- current situation: moving to new premises, changing jobs;
- leisure time: assistance with time management, establishing contact to service providers, holiday planning;
- personal issues: e.g. sexuality, family planning, childcare;
- networking: cooperation with social environment, coordination of required social assistance services;
- crisis intervention: separation, divorce, accidents, acute health problems, etc.
The relationship between the responsible members of the Mäi Liewen team and the users of the programme may be described like this:
Like a medical assistant supports a doctor,
the assistant provides support so the person with a disability
can be the author of the story of his or her life.
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You can find us here:
8 Gruberbeerig L-9538 Wiltz (COOPERATIONS)
1 Avenue de la Gare L-9540 Wiltz (next to the railway station)
Sylvie Seck

Sandy Schwall

Anne Jourdain

Liz Muller

Manuela Ballmann

Jessica Holtzheimer