The low windows and opulent wainscoting on the ceiling lend an ornate character to the gallery Prabbeli. Thanks to optimized lighting conditions and picture hanging systems installed on the walls the gallery makes a sophisticated exhibition space. It also provides an exceptional setting for receptions and celebrations of any kind.
- availability: only at times when no exhibition is on show
- capacity: seating capacity for up to 50 people, standing room for up to 80 people
- technical equipment: a screen and a beamer can be installed, one flipchart is provided
- technical support: not required
- rental rates:
- € 50,- half-day rate (up to five hours)
- € 100,- full-day rate
- rates for exhibitions supplied upon request
- Rent-free for local associations hosting non-commercial events.
Adis Mustić

Production culturelle & location de salles
352 959205 - 47